eWellness: Donating blood reduces chances of heart attack


Dr KK Aggarwal    16 November 2017

One should donate blood at least once in a year. Donating blood regularly has been shown in many reports to reduce chances of future heart attacks. Blood donation is also one of the best charities that one can do as it can save multiple lives through various components taken out of a single blood transfusion. All those who are going for elective surgery should donate their blood well in advance and the same should be used at the time of surgery. In the current medical tourism scenario many patients who are Jehovah s Witnesses refuse blood transfusion on religious grounds. They do not accept transfusion of whole blood or any of the four major components blood cells platelets plasma and white cells . They are prepared to die rather than receive the blood. They also do not accept transfusion of stored blood including their own due to the belief that blood should not be taken out of the body and stored for any length of time. In such cases every effort should be made to reduce blood loss conserve blood and give drugs that can enhance hemoglobin formation. A new concept called Bloodless Medicine has now become a reality where treatment surgery and even emergency surgery can be done without using any blood.

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